Yixuan Zhao
My practice consists of paintings depicting semi-abstract spaces populated with distorted figures. I have always been captivated by classical Rococo era paintings for their aesthetics and mythical references, yet I realise that beauty and evil can coexist in the same work. Many of these classical paintings I admire are boasts of affluence that were produced for wealthy people who would have reached their position by exploiting ordinary people. My practice critically addresses this aspect of class-injustice by maintaining an intentionally consistent format of obfuscating presumed figures and masking faces. Identities become blurred and the original emphasis on status and wealth is removed, therefore nurturing a purer appreciation of beauty beyond the realm of vanity.

Yixuan Zhao, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Yixuan Zhao, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Yixuan Zhao, Budget Pompadour, oil on canvas, 2023.

Yixuan Zhao, Mortal Venus, oil on canvas, 2023.

Yixuan Zhao, Give Me Cake, oil on canvas, 2023.

Yixuan Zhao, Dawn, oil on canvas, 2023.

Yixuan Zhao, Twilight, oil on canvas, 2023.

Yixuan Zhao, Illuminate, oil on canvas, 2023.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne