Tomas Ording-Jespersen
I draw upon historical design principles to illustrate how branding acts to inform judgement and herald individual identity. A tender viewing experience is encouraged as I imbue personal nostalgia with subtle sensory cues. The works’ underlying material deceptiveness probes the sincerity of these emotions - earnestly sentimental or mawkish.
With Luca Feldman, Lili Ward and Darcy Guttridge I help run Peep Show; a portable gallery space for us and our friends to share work.

Tomas Ording-Jespersen, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Tomas Ording-Jespersen, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Tomas Ording-Jespersen, Spekulatius (detail view), 2023

Tomas Ording-Jespersen, Knights of North and South (North), aluminium mounted digital print on metallic paper (installed on opposing northern wall), 18.5 x 14.5cm, 2023

Tomas Ording-Jespersen, Knights of North and South (North), aluminium mounted digital print on metallic paper (installed on opposing northern wall), 18.5 x 14.5cm, 2023
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne