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VCA Art 2023

Rebecca Jones

Marked Reality is drawing that goes beyond the constraints of a fixed two-dimensional surface. Made from paper, cardboard and wood, the work is comprised of one large orb drawing and a collection of sculptural drawings. The pieces are an investigation into the three-dimensional qualities of drawing and are shaped from objects that I often draw. The orb structure indicates motion, gathering and scattering information along the way. The cross acts as a navigational system.

This installation is a universe of drawing that questions the nature of paper, my relationship to the materials and the experience of the process. It is an accumulation of fragments held together by hidden geometry and is a record of my movement over time.

Rebecca Jones, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Rebecca Jones, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Rebecca Jones, Traces of Memory, papier-mâché and collage with charcoal frottage, 2023. Image Courtesy: Jacinta Maude

Rebecca Jones, Trace Elements, papier-mâché and collage with charcoal frottage, 2023. Image courtesy: Jacinta Maude.

Rebecca Jones, Trace Elements, papier-mâché and collage with charcoal frottage, 2023. Image courtesy: Jacinta Maude.

Master of Contemporary Art
Victorian College of the Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne
PRV12150 / CRICOS: 00116K