Rachelle Koumouris
I re-compose derelict objects into objects of survival, examining humans’ role as animals in the colonial and industrial world.
Using materials as ingredients; the synthetic and the feral combine to form speculative life-forms which do not work; their substrates porous and delicate.
Adopting evolutionary adaptations as form, I access fear, confusion, comfort and instinct. I multiply, and try to make sense.

Rachelle Koumouris, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Rachelle Koumouris, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Rachelle Koumouris, silly monkey: Forever and Ever, Found object, wire, wax, enamel, adhesive, 2023, Image courtesy of the Artist

Rachelle Koumouris, THE SPACE INSIDE MY CLOSED FIST, Plantain, wax, found object, petroleum jelly, lean medium, adhesive, mica, paintbrush fibres, 2023, Image courtesy of the artist

Rachelle Koumouris, like, will it be on a Sunday? Found object, unfired clay, eucalyptus oil, vegetable oil, mica, adhesive, 2023, Image courtesy of the artist.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne