Niki Koutouzi
Conversations on Migration: The Power of Collective Voice
This project examines complexities of the question of contemporary migration by employing methodological processes that involve building relationships and engaging in conversations within a group of women who migrated to Australia from Chile, Kenya, Iran, Vietnam, and Greece. Over the duration of the project, these women have developed a commitment to conceptualise experiences, both individually and collectively, becoming public through filmmaking.The project intends to open up civic engagement and participation, generating a body politic in direct relationship with social and political realities, strengthening the capacity to resist against capitalist hegemony while shaping political imagination.

Niki Koutouzi, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Niki Koutouzi, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Niki Koutouzi, Civic Chorus: Film Still, 2023

Niki Koutouzi, Civic Chorus: Film Still, 2023
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne