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VCA Art 2023

Minka Peters

My practice explores architectural space as a vessel for memory. I focus on rental properties that have housed many people over time and collected layers of their traces over time. I investigate the scratches on floors, markings on walls as well as biological traces including skin particles, bacteria and dirt trapped in the in-between spaces of temporary rental homes. The process of collecting these traces is a way for me to preserve memories of my own rental home and is informed by archeological methods of uncovering information from a site.

The work addresses the current crisis of housing accessibility in Australia and the instability of living in a rental home. My process involves experimentation with a range of materials and is informed by the technologies of casting and printmaking. Many of the materials used in my work are fragile, transparent and subject to change, which I use as a means to consider the slipperiness of memory and time.

Minka Peters, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Minka Peters, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Minka Peters, Untitled (detail), PVA Glue, 2023

Minka Peters, We are Dust, Pears soap, Dust, 2023

Minka Peters, We are Dust, Pears soap, Dust, 2023

Minka Peters, Inside Outside, Outside Inside, Fondant, 2023

Minka Peters, Inside Outside, Outside Inside, Fondant, 2023

Minka Peters, Untitled, Graphite, Paper, 2023

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drawing & Printmaking)
Victorian College of the Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne
PRV12150 / CRICOS: 00116K