Kristy Hussey
Chess Set to Pepper Mill a Gathering of Misunderstood Glamour
My towering assemblages are created from discarded domestic objects that bear the memories and scars of their previous lives and rejection. They are conduits for storytelling. By performing a ritualistic collection, ordering, curation and stacking I feel I am imbuing the objects with new life, giving them a new story.
My work is an exploration of childhood, memory, play, escape, resilience, fragility, and rebellion. Making these works was reminiscent of a childhood game, or perhaps an act of rebellion on my part (playing with the precious ‘wedding crystal’) or a means of reframing childhood memories. These forms take on a figurative appearance reminiscent of chess pieces but despite their playfulness, an uneasiness lingers in both their material history and the perceived instability of the stacks.

Chess Set to Pepper Mill a Gathering of Misunderstood Glamour. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Chess Set to Pepper Mill a Gathering of Misunderstood Glamour. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne