Kitt (Kierah) Falkner Babbel
Logic includes nonsense as long as it can tell the truth. The logic of nonsense…
- Timothy Morton
Attempting to define 'good' art soon becomes an attempt to define 'good' actions, 'good' personhood, 'good' life. My approach to ‘goodness’ involves investigating the ethical, political, philosophical and bureaucratic complexities of making art, being an artist and engaging with art environments.
My graduate work, Gradusaurus Spectacular, was inspired by Robert Venturi’s Learning from Las Vegas, and the Duck Building Theory of architecture designed to be understood at 100mph. By engaging directly with the ulterior motives and thinking embedded in both myself and the exhibition context — part debutant, part competitions, part advertisement — I hope to instigate and mediate critical reflection on the functions and boundaries of ‘good’ art in a graduate context. If Gradusaurus Spectacular evokes approval from crowds and loved ones, entry into the VCA honours program, and a research scholarship, is it ‘good’?