James Farrar
My work is a product of my personal journey as an adopted Korean male living in Australia. Working through large scale linocut prints, I use the materiality of silk as a reference to the ghost of my Korean self, which haunts my identity. The apparitional layering of the silk, holds contradictions, reflecting the dichotomies of my tangible yet alien connection to Korea. Combining imagery of dance, movement, music and war, I interrogate the source of the constant noise in my mind, to understand if it is possible to exorcise the ghost that haunts me. This idea of inner conflict and the medium of printmaking share a materiality, where my gesture and line work attempts to embody a chaotic tension.

James Farrar, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

James Farrar, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

James Farrar, Untenable State, layered linoprint on silk, 2023.

James Farrar, Untenable State, layered linoprint on silk, 2023.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne