Jacinta Maude
Field Work explores the materiality of our most intimate locus: the home. I am interested in disarray and clutter hidden in our drawers and behind cupboards - finding meaning in the neglected, and value in the discarded. My work seeks to cast light on everyday objects by disrupting the traditional line between painting and sculpture. Using a rudimentary casting process and plaster, Field Work reframes everyday objects by cataloguing and presenting personal detritus as poetic containers of narrative and identity. Simultaneously, the work offers glimpses into our idiosyncrasies and habits of consumption. It sees humour and comfort in the mundane and questions whether our familiar routines shield us from the unpredictable outside world - or confront us with our complicity in over-consumption.

Jacinta Maude, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Jacinta Maude, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Jacinta Maude, Field Work #1, plaster, spatula and teabag string, 2023. Image courtesy Astrid Mulder

Jacinta Maude, Field Work #6, plaster and skipping rope, 2023. Image courtesy Astrid Mulder.

Jacinta Maude, Field Work #10, plaster, dummy and ceramic shards, 2023. Image courtesy Astrid Mulder

Jacinta Maude, Field Work #7, plaster and spoon, 2023. Image courtesy Astrid Mulder.

Jacinta Maude, Installation of Field Work, plaster and found objects, 2023. Image courtesy Astrid Mulder.

Jacinta Maude, Installation of Field Work, plaster and found objects, 2023. Image courtesy Astrid Mulder.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne