Isabel Trufas
Through an amalgamation of soft fabric, clay and airbrush painting I explore attraction and repulsion, mediating the space between sickly sweet and grotesque. This dichotomy is informed by an obsession with subcultural fashion and body modification.
Amorphous, lumpy and spiky forms infect my work and allude to the body in an uncanny way, simultaneously repelling and inviting viewers to touch. Bubblegum hues plague the mutated, contorted and cartoonish forms, evoking tension, unease and transformative power. My delicate gothic graffiti questions the uncomfortable way that gendered self-expression can be beautiful and affirming while also painful and objectifying.

Isabel Trufas, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Isabel Trufas, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.


Isabel Trufas, play piercing, Ribbon, metal rings, clay, 2023

Isabel Trufas, furblob, Synthetic fur, polyester stuffing, 2023
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne