Helvi Apted
Coat of Arms is a series of imposing textile sculptures that invite you to immerse yourself in the complexities of care and protection. These works are haunting embodiments of the human form, but could also serve as defensive shields. They are strangely inviting, recalling the closeness of one's own body, but also suggesting the awkwardness of intimacy.
The felt used to construct Coat of Arms is manufactured from discarded textiles that have been compressed into a uniform surface. However visible, remnant threads carry the history of many garments, now intertwined in a way that speaks to the commonality of human experience.
Together, these monolithic works create a space in which countless narratives could unfurl: comic, fantastical, or horrific, where you are vulnerable to your deepest fears.

Helvi Apted, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Helvi Apted, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Helvi Apted, Coat of Arms gallery view, manufactured felt, thread, polyester fiberfill, 2023, documentation by Simon Strong.

Helvi Apted, Coat of Arms detail, manufactured felt, thread, polyester fiberfill, 2023, documentation by Simon Strong.
Helvi Apted, Coat of Arms installation, 01:51 min, documentation by Simon Strong.

Helvi Apted, Coat of Arms (garment), found garments, foam, thread, screen printed cotton and interfacing, acrylic paint, 2022. Documentation by Tobias Titz.

Helvi Apted, Felt in Time, manufactured felt, thread, polyester fiberfill, 2023. Documentation by Astrid Mulder

Helvi Apted, Jacket of Arms (garment), found garments, foam, thread, screen printed cotton and interfacing, acrylic paint, 2022. Documentation by Tobias Titz.

Helvi Apted, Coat of Arms installation view, manufactured felt, thread, polyester fiberfill, 2023.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne