Hannah Barry
I wonder what the tiny bugs in my eyelashes think about;
remnants of homes,
of unknowable processes;
the scent of honey
is inside of us;
disparate materials coalesce;
a holobiont.
gentle impressions of memories the palpable fragility
the membranes we transform
entangled symbiosis embraced.

Hannah Barry, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Hannah Barry, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Hannah Barry, untitled (pure local beeswax from Robert who gave me a 5% discount, since then i think i’ve accidentally made the beeswax impure with dust from my studio - mainly clay and some limestone - and the workshop; rust; tiny fuzzy fibres which i’m guessing are from my clothes; small bits of latex and garishly coloured plasticine, warmed by Grace’s hands, that i couldn’t pick out of the mould; some synthetic brush hairs that i accidentally melted; and cinnamon. Also silk which i bought before i found out that the process involves boiling the moth pupa alive, various found metal objects, and the rock that Lele from marketplace gave me to hold up the wonky chair, glass from mum’s studio, fairies with their seeds removed, waterlily pads, shells, hair, corn husks from lake tyers, a butterfly i found dead in nan’s driveway 11 years ago, used teabag filters, bronze mandarin peel that wouldn’t be finished without Cait’s help; agar agar – from the strands which smell like mermaid hair, date pips from Jessie. Nourished by late night studio chats with Rachelle and 14 hours and 39 minutes of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, communal cohort bananas, and one small grapevine tendril.) , beeswax, steel, silk, wire, latex, found metal objects, cotton, rock, graphite, leadlight, dust, rust, scoby mother, spear thistle pappus, waterlily pad, agar agar, tea-tree branch, shells, hair, dried mandarin peel, corn husks, used teabag filter paper, date pips, minimal grains of sand, cinnamon, water, red root floaters, butterfly, dragonfly wing, coral, seeds, bronze, 2023

As above.

As above.

As above.

As above.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne