Chloe Vella
This is a set. A set based on reality, based on time and based on order. An office in an on-office space.
The set is for a serf with no identity. The serf sits in space, a cubicle and works. The labour contributes to nothing more than money.
The serf is constantly harassed by the noble boss, pouring themselves grotesquely over the serf. Nothing works, the printer jams, spitting out blank paper. What can the nameless serf do in an office?

Chloe Vella, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Chloe Vella, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

AI egg, Still from MLBN (Mechanical Laboured Breathing Nostalgia), AI generated videos, 2023, Credit: Serf 1437057

green man logo, Green Man, Digital Drawing, 2023, Credit: Serf 1437057

Greg, Bossifed manspreading kafkastion Sculpture (Greg), Papier-mâché, Chicken wire, Cardboard, spray paint, synthetic hair office wheely chair, 2023, Credit: Serf 1437057

Sheela Na Gig model, Greenware Clay, 2023, Credit: Serf 1437057.

work magnet, Feudal Work Magnet, Digital drawing on Vinyl magnet, 2023, Credit: Serf 1437057.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne