Britt Salt
Living Grid II presents a speculative architectural interior that is oriented by existing structural elements of the gallery. The original panopticon design of this room allows clear surveillance to every corner of the space from one position, the centre. Living Grid II seeks to unravel this feature, presenting a series of artworks that only become visible or fully revealed when the viewer moves, testing the thresholds of visual perception.
Across tapestry, drawing, sculpture and installation my artworks methodically map connections between real and imagined architectural structures. I employ geometry, repetition and systematic processes associated with Minimalism of the 1960s. Yet rather than producing autonomous forms, I am interested in the architectural context of the works I conceive, attuning them to each site I encounter. In doing so, my works exist in an ongoing state of becoming, re-examining the structural potentialities of the built environment and how this affects spatial inhabitation.

Britt Salt, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Britt Salt, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Britt Salt, Grid II, wool, cotton, 100 x 97cm, 2023. Documentation by Astrid Mulder.

Britt Salt, Grid II (Detail), wool, cotton, 2023. Documentation by Astrid Mulder.

Britt Salt, Two Water Pipes Reflected onto the Wall of a Gallery, cotton and screws, 2023. Photo by Astrid Mulder.

Britt Salt, Two Water Pipes Reflected onto the Wall of a Gallery (Detail), cotton and screws, 2023. Photo by Astrid Mulder.

Britt Salt, Grid II, 2023. Photo by Astrid Mulder.

Britt Salt, Grid II (Detail), 2023. Photo by Astrid Mulder.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne