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VCA Art 2023

Alula McGlashan-Rabik

We’re passing through an ephemeral home, and inhabiting this place. Craving to belong, I investigate building methods considered alternative, or archaic. Industry and infrastructure are problematised - something to resist against; yet the work is marked by their ubiquity, and somehow salvaged. Fertility, loss, pressure, frailty, muscle. Through a materiality driven by personal desire, I hope to allude to a collective longing for an external, or perhaps internal, terrain.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Plastik Salve, hessian, plaster, pea straw, sand, bamboo, wool, soy wax, fabric dye, pewter, screws, 2023. Image courtesy of Claire Lambe.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Plastik Salve, hessian, plaster, pea straw, sand, bamboo, wool, soy wax, fabric dye, pewter, screws, 2023. Image courtesy of Claire Lambe.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Plastik Salve, hessian, plaster, pea straw, sand, bamboo, wool, soy wax, fabric dye, pewter, screws, 2023. IImage courtesy of Claire Lambe.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Sculpture)
Victorian College of the Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne
PRV12150 / CRICOS: 00116K