Alula McGlashan-Rabik
We’re passing through an ephemeral home, and inhabiting this place. Craving to belong, I investigate building methods considered alternative, or archaic. Industry and infrastructure are problematised - something to resist against; yet the work is marked by their ubiquity, and somehow salvaged. Fertility, loss, pressure, frailty, muscle. Through a materiality driven by personal desire, I hope to allude to a collective longing for an external, or perhaps internal, terrain.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Plastik Salve, hessian, plaster, pea straw, sand, bamboo, wool, soy wax, fabric dye, pewter, screws, 2023. Image courtesy of Claire Lambe.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Plastik Salve, hessian, plaster, pea straw, sand, bamboo, wool, soy wax, fabric dye, pewter, screws, 2023. Image courtesy of Claire Lambe.

Alula McGlashan-Rabik, Plastik Salve, hessian, plaster, pea straw, sand, bamboo, wool, soy wax, fabric dye, pewter, screws, 2023. IImage courtesy of Claire Lambe.
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne