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VCA Art 2023

Alex Richardson

My abstract photographs aim to challenge the distinction between ‘artwork’, and image. Rethinking what makes an image, an image? Due to mass-media, the overconsumption of images has become an addiction. I aim to create images that aren’t consumed, to make viewers linger.

Inspired by abstract expressionistic painting, landscapes, and sculptural forms, I’m drawn to organic arrangements of reflective materials. With light as my medium, capturing these reflective materials on black and white film distorts the original material into an abstract compositional form of grain and texture. My process of making is centred around a fascination of textures and light. My aim is to present works that are visually atmospheric, ephemeral, and evocative.

Alex Richardson, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Alex Richardson, Install View. Image Courtesy: University of Melbourne.

Alex Richardson, Velvet Grain, Ilford Hahnemuhle Darkroom Print, 2023

Alex Richardson, Velvet Perspective 2, Ilford Hahnemuhle Darkroom Print, 2023

Alex Richardson, Green Velvet 1, Digital 35mm Film Scan, 2023

Alex Richardson, Green Velvet 2, Digital 35mm Film Scan, 2023

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Photography)
Victorian College of the Arts
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music
University of Melbourne
PRV12150 / CRICOS: 00116K